how to use custom gpts in marketing

How to Use Custom GPTs in Marketing

  ChatGPT already plays a pivotal role in shaping effective marketing strategies. But things have gone even further after OpenAI introduced custom GPTs in November 2023. This blog post delves into what GPTs are and how to use them for marketing purposes. What are custom GPTs? The custom GPTs are...
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optimize social media ads with chatgpt

How to Optimize Social Media Ads with ChatGPT

  ChatGPT has quickly become an essential tool for copywriting in marketing. Not so many people know about its other superpowers, though. The chatbot can also analyze data, for example. This turned out to be super useful in the performance optimization of social media ads. We recently tested it, and...
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Market Basket Analysis For Revenue Growth

How To Leverage Market Basket Analysis For Revenue Growth

  The world of e-commerce is fiercely competitive. For businesses to thrive, they need to continually innovate, providing added value to their customers in unique ways. One such innovative strategy is the creation of product stacks – grouping together complementary products that offer higher value when purchased together than separately....
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