Performance Marketing Mistakes

5 B2C Performance Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

B2C performance marketing can drive profitable growth, but even experienced businesses can make costly mistakes. In this blog post, you’ll learn about the 5 most common pitfalls. You’ll also get tips on how to avoid them. Let’s dive into it! Mistake #1: Ignoring the Customer Journey Understanding the complete customer...
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is consent mode v2 is working correctly

How to Test If Consent Mode v2 Is Working Correctly

  Since March 2024, Google has started requiring Consent Mode v2 as a mandatory setup. Consent Mode v2 is a part of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) implemented in November 2022. The DMA aims to support smaller organizations in getting a fair share in the digital space and provide greater...
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blog topics that convert

How to Pick High-Converting Topics for Your Blog Posts

  When creating content for your company, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the variety of topics you can cover in your blog posts. However, quantity doesn’t always mean conversions. But how do you identify the right topics deserving your time and energy? Creating content that clicks with your audience...
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Search Trends for Google Search Campaigns

The Search Trends Insights for Google Search Campaigns

  Search trends by Google deserve a spotlight in your marketing toolkit. This useful functionality has been helping us to both understand and improve the performance of Seach campaigns. In this post, we’ll dive into what Search trends are and how to use them to take your campaigns to the...
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make social media ads research with foreplay app

Social Media Ads Research Made Simple with Foreplay App

  Tired of making hundreds of screenshots when doing social ad research? Then pasting links in messy spreadsheets. Then sorting tens of folders in Drive… We know. It’s painful. It was a huge challenge for us too. But we stumbled across a super cool app that changed that and we...
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Improve Google Performance Max Signals

2 Quick Tactics to Improve Google Performance Max Signals

  Performance Max proves that AI plays a role in campaign optimization long before ChatGPT. This AI-powered solution by Google is a game-changer in today’s digital marketing landscape. To make the most out of it, you need to master the so-called “audience signals”. Audience signals serve to give Google precise...
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how to use custom gpts in marketing

How to Use Custom GPTs in Marketing

  ChatGPT already plays a pivotal role in shaping effective marketing strategies. But things have gone even further after OpenAI introduced custom GPTs in November 2023. This blog post delves into what GPTs are and how to use them for marketing purposes. What are custom GPTs? The custom GPTs are...
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optimize social media ads with chatgpt

How to Optimize Social Media Ads with ChatGPT

  ChatGPT has quickly become an essential tool for copywriting in marketing. Not so many people know about its other superpowers, though. The chatbot can also analyze data, for example. This turned out to be super useful in the performance optimization of social media ads. We recently tested it, and...
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